Recommendation for my coworker Stan

I wrote a recommendation for my previous coworker Stan on Linkedin, but another coworker said it’s not proper and too funny for this serious site. So I guess I should rewrite it, but I will leave it here 😀

To be honest, Stan makes me cry, I can’t catch up with him. But it’s a honor to work with his brilliant mind. He is kind, he didn’t call us dummy. He has great abstraction ability, which IMHO is the most precious skill a software craftsman should have. He has good sense on new technology, and he build his own sharp toolsets and leverage other folks in his team. One thing I think he may improve is, he doesn’t drink beer with us, so he will always be sober when we are drunk.

Draft letter to Caltrain office

I break the law by accident. This is a big deal for me. I definitely wrong in this case, but I also found there is some issue on Caltrain system. So instead of being down forever, I will write a letter to Caltrain office. My friend tell me this is like burn a letter to immortal, no one will read or reply. But I trust in goodwill, so i will open this letter on my blog. If you read this by accident, please learn that break the law is painful, you should train yourself not making stupid mistake, this will make everyone happy, and make a better world. This letter is just a first cut draft, I will correct grammer mistake and improve weired sentence accordinly in those days.

Hello caltrain officers,

I’m a caltrain commuter live in Hillsdale, I start using caltrain from last December, and I like it. Caltrain has cleaner cabin than BART and muni, and the passenger on it is more polite. My company sponsor us commute by Caltrain through clipper direct, and most of my coworkers has Caltrian monthly pass auto loaded.

But I got a citation recently, which make me . The story happends that on Jun 3rd, it’s a Monday, the first working day of Jun. I and my coworker was discussing a working topic of our current project, and we take on Caltrain together from Hillsdale. Then 2 conductors came to us, and check our ticket. We show our clipper card as usual, but it says no. And we notice that’s first working day of a Month, so we should tag on the clipper card. And explained this to the conductors individually, they just gave both of us a citation of fare envation. I haven’t argue, because I’m a adult. The conductor refuse to read our monthy pass online order (which we showed), that means we don’t have nothing to show as prove of payment.

I said this almost ruin my life, it’s because I break the law, which make me desperate. I’m a alien worker, so I’m new here, I tried to behave as a moral citizen, be nice to everyone, and be well discipline. But when I got this citation, this dream collapse.

But I don’t want to be depressed forever, I should tell you my feeling, and let’s figure out what’s the best way to prevent this kind of situation happend in the future. Which will make the world a better place.

The monthly pass is not a way to save money, I think the ultimate goal is to make our daily commute smoothier. Because buying ticket is a pain at rushing hour, so clipper is a express way. Paying monthly save most of us tons of time. I cherrish the intention. But comes to reality, there is a gap. Other commute system like BART and MUNI has clipper gate, so when you come across it you need to swipe the card. But caltrain only has that at SF’s 4th and king station, there’s conductor standing there to check our ticket. But other stations is open, and some station only has few clipper tagging machine. So most monthly pass commuter doesn’t tag at most of days in a month, only tag it at very first day. So the gap is the habit we use the public transportation, for Caltrain we didn’t tag daily, but for MUNI and BART we tag daily even we have montly pass. That means we need to remind ourself to tag on first day, which is not work precisly as a clock.

So I hope caltrain can give us a notification on those critical day (very first working day each month). The clipper has our email, most caltrain station has message board (LED screen), both of them can work as a reminder for us. Which will help us not making this mistake. For a system need good self-discipline a reminder will reduce stupidity very much.

The clipper direct allow us setting up a recurring order of monthly pass, I don’t know why it can’t pre-load them as those montly pass we bought from walgreen? If it load automatically, we won’t make a mistake like that, this will free us from having a pressure on loading monthly pass. In our case, we acctually paid for monthly pass. But the ticket checking machine failed to load the monthly pass information, which make us be in a situation of no valid ticket, and that’s breaking the law. Break law in this way is miserable, we don’t want to be a fare invader, that’s immoral, that’s make us hateful, and it’s shame to tell our children that we are fare invader. I mean when we paid, but failed to show that we paid, because we need a process to activate this monthly pass, this is inconvinient and seems trapping us to be a outlaw. Probably there are technical reasons or other reasons to make clipper work in this way, but please make it more friendly and make good people keep being good.

Because we commute on caltrain for months, we saw lots of scenario between passenger and conductors. And almost all conductors is friendly and helpful. I saw conductor explains to those foreigners who bought wrong tickets, and ask the buy it correctly next time. I saw conductor asking people using clipper card who forgot tag on to tag it at next stop. I heared from my coworker who got educated when they forgot to tag it on first day of month. All those stories told me that conductors are helping us from making mistake, and educate us when we are wrong. But when this happend on me for the first time, I got a citation directly. I’m not asking mercy on me, everyone is equal by law, I just diserve this punishment. But consider a goodwill, we should using the punishment to prevent intentional fare envision, but educate the others. This will keep us in faith of justice. I still trust all conductors on the train is helping us from making this mistake. But on the day I got this citation, I saw 2 conductors chekcing ticket, and that’s the first working day of that month, there are 3 guys got citation in same cabin, this seems more to a punishment than education.

I won’t argu if I’m guilty here, I suppose to talk about it with judge in court. I only want to ask for some change on this system to ease our commute, make our life easier, hope no one will break the law in this way. Would like to consider those actions?

  • Give us the choice to pre-load the monthly pass
  • Give us a notifications by email (for clipper direct user), or show us notifications on station’s display on first (work) day of month
  • Give us a covinient way to tag the card, especially a way to tag on the train, alternatively should give us tagging machine on each entrance of station. So tagging daily is smooth for monthly pass commuter.
  • Give us a channel to show monthly pass proof if we got cited in this situation, when we paid for the pass.

Thank you for read, I won’t be despress forever, I trust that caltrain will be better, and we will be more happy to commute on this transportation system.

Jun 9, 2013.



首先要明确 饮酒品酒 的区别。品酒应该是饮酒的一个子集,因为不喝下去完全闻味不是靠谱的品酒方式。品酒最大的区别在于为什么 (Why) 和如何做 (How) 不同,品酒的目的是分辨、欣赏、交流。

品酒是对模式识别的锻炼。模式识别是心智模式中的R模式,也就是一种基于图像的思维,模式识别是一种直觉。品酒必须要用语言记录,可以是和朋友在一起交流感受,或者写下来分享给更多的人。为什么品酒必须要交流呢?因为模式识别是R模式,但是人和人交流要使用语言逻辑,但是这种逻辑使用的是心智模式中的L模式。但是根据心智模型的理论L模式和R模式往往不能同步工作,如果一个人两个模式之间交流迅速和频繁,那么这个人表现出来就是 聪明。R模式和L模式交互有一种形象的表示法,我们管它叫做“比喻”。使用比喻能力强的人,我们一般说是文学能力强,但是其实更广义的说使用比喻能力强的人 聪明 。我们有一个更时髦的词叫“隐喻”,这是在各种专业能力中非常重要的一种基于直觉的技能,我们常说一个领域的大师具有的就是过人的直觉。或者说过人的 模式识别 和使用 隐喻 的能力。所以那本书说,幽默其实是一种使用 隐喻 的特殊能力,不管是使用幽默还是感受幽默都需要这种 隐喻 的能力。

如果大家读过酒评就知道为什么我说 模式识别隐喻 了。这里举个例子:



这里用到了很多的隐喻。经常交流的啤酒爱好者可以看到大家使用的不同隐喻,并把他们使用到自己的语言中。这个过程还培养了对味道细节发现的能力,因为经常品酒后对很多味道的轻微痕迹描述的能力会增强,所以就可以更好的发现原来不能描述的味道。这其实就印证了很多朋友学习中的一个感受,当你能够定义和命名一种现象以后,你在遇到问题的时候识别的能力增强了,最后解决问题的能力也增强了。在搞编程的朋友中,都知道 Martin Fowler,他就是以这种能力著称。

最后,我想强调我说的是 品酒 ,很多极端的品酒者品尝酒品后会吐掉,以防止对辨别能力的影响。我们需要强调这样的精神,不要陷入把饮酒作为简单的习惯的地步,那样很容易酗酒,结果是很严重的。要保持 Know How 的同时 Know Why,这样可以长期健康的品酒。

我目前品酒主要使用 Instagram,照下酒评和酒杯,可以观察酒体和泡沫。然后在评论里面写下对啤酒味道的品评笔记。我主要使用 #mahbeer 这个标签分享,这个标签下有很多非常棒的啤酒的分享。而查啤酒比较重要的工具是 Ratebeer ,上面有大部分你能喝到的啤酒的信息和众多酒友的评价。


  • 使用的是和Duvel类似的高级蛇麻草,非陈年款,味道比较鲜明,微苦
  • 有麦香味,水果味收敛,味甘甜,回味发甜
  • 香味不太明显,不酸,也不太苦,没有特别突出的单种口感
  • 泡沫丰富,细密,泡沫很白,大约有酒体的一半高
  • 酒色金黄,略微浑浊(雾)
  • 有肉蔻的香味留下,酒通过喉咙感觉酒精刺激明显,留下微微的薄荷的味道
  • 酒后口内没有酸和苦的回味,说明酒不是很甜酒花量也不是很大

能猜到这是啥啤酒不?(是Westmalle Blone,一种修道院啤酒 Trappist beer,不过属于没啥特点的一种)



在啤酒爱好者普遍认可的Ratebeer的综合排名里面,目前第一的是Westvleteren 12。它代表了Trappist修道院啤酒的最高水准,它的风格叫做Abt/Quadrupel,常见的Trappist风格是Blone/Brown (Dubble)/Trippel,Quadrupel应该翻译做四料啤酒吧,是超越Trippel的有更加丰富的酚和酯的极品啤酒。Trappist 目前比利时有6家,是Chimay、Rochefort、Achel、Westvleteren、Orval、Westmalle,还有一家在荷兰叫Koningshoeven。不过Trappist并非都是口味丰富的,比如Chimay、Achel、Westmalle都相对温和。Quadrupel则是味道层次最丰富,味道强烈的极品,据我所知只有Rochefort 10和Westvletern 12属于Trappist授权修道院生产的Quadrupel。修士在为上帝服务至于投入了毕生精力不断的优化提升啤酒酿造艺术,才有了这样的极品,所以……我就不多说了。

但是很不幸的是Westvleteren 12很难买到。能买到的Quadrupel是Rochefort 10,目前它也是我的最爱。这里和 @大Joy 不谋而合。

美国的同事比较一致的认为Russian River Pliny the elder是最好的美国啤酒,这个也供参考。因为北京是绝对买不到的。




Khalil Gibran 的诗,在 星野道夫 / Michio Hoshino 的 在漫长的旅途中 第一页就引用了这首诗:







A worth to visit list of Beijing

A worth to visit list of Beijing

I was born in Beijing, and live here till present. It’s hard to pick up some highlights from Beijing, since most of the highlights only preserved in my memory. Beijing is a changing city, as other big cities around the world, it’s a bit lost. It’s a emperor’s capital for hound of years, the residents shows open attitude, those lifelong residents in Beijing is the soul of Beijing.

I have a disease of perfectionism, I made too much fluff. Let’s go stuff.

Place to visit

Route 1

MuTianYu Great Wall (official website) is the first choice if you only have one day here. Since Great Wall is the most famous landmark of China. Badaling Great Wall is more famous than MuTianYue Great wall, but from my point of view visiting MuTianYue Great Wall is easier, and it’s has better view around the great wall. There are 2 cable car, I recommend going up from the lower one and climbing the great wall from lower part to higher part, it saves your legs. If you didn’t go gym regularly, you can take a round trip on cable car, it saves time too. Getting some cheap souvenir here, I think it gives you a better price than city area, though don’t expect good quality, souvenir just helps you remind this place. Go subway (fast food) at root of great wall is a good choice. And if you are beer lovers, don’t forget to take your favorite beers with you. Have a bottle of cool beer take you to the heaven, this great memory remains.

When you are back from MuTianYu, you still have time to visit Summer Palace. This this emperor’s royal garden, I think it’s a place you must visit when you are in Beijing. Because it shows Chinese’s sense of landscape beauty, try our taste of gardening. You will see how our emperor mashup different elements of architecture and landscape designs together. The subway line 4 has a stop near the north gate of Summer Palace, if you go to the great wall early enough, you will have enough time to go through north climbing up the mountain, watch the view of the sea (lake), going down the hill and visit the long fence (great Chinese decorated painting). The shuttle boat service is busy, don’t waste time there. Go along the bank of the lake, have a round-trip back. This long way will worth the value.

If you are a energetic person, try visit the Olympic gymnasium at night. You can take subway line 4 and line 10 to this area. Since those gymnasium has attractive looking at nights.

Route 2

This will be a challenging trip. Save the first target if you are not tough enough.

Take a taxi and arrive Temple of heaven at early morning. This is a royal temple for pray ceremony. It has a good looking temple in the middle, it stands for the most advanced Chinese wooden architectures. And the park is full of local senior people, they stands for Beijing spirit (IMHO).

Take a taxi and go to Forbidden city, you can also take subway (which is easier). At day time, you can come across TianAnMen Square (Take a picture here, it’s the core of China goverment) and arrive the south gate of Forbidden city. You can only buy tickets and enter Forbidden city from south door, don’t be here too late, the tickets is limited every day. Forbidden city is a museum, it’s where the emperor lives, and there’s tons of good looking attics, you must visit this place. I’m not sure if you can exit Forbidden city from north door, do if it’s eligible.

When you visited those 2 awesome places, it may approach sunset. The best view of Beijing is close to Forbidden city. That’s JingShan Park, it on the opposite side of Forbidden city’s north gate. Enter the south gate of JingShan Park, climb up the hill. It’s easy to be on the top. If it’s the sunset time, you will see a overwhelming awesome golden color Beijing city around you, that’s the best scene of Beijing. You will see Beijing has a symmetry layout, and it’s a master piece indeed.

It’s not too late to visit Beihai Park, it’s royal garden of emperor. Enter the south door, and exit from north door. Then you will be on lotus lane, it’s a pub street along a water system (lake). The pubs is not outstanding here, don’t waste your time here. Take a look at the lights around the water lanes, walk a way down to Drum Tower, this place has some awesome pubs provide nice drinks. Waste your nights here, you won’t regret.


  • Sanlitun pub street. Nice pubs and restaurants which covers most styles of cuisines around the world. There’s lots of big brands. And it’s the embassy area, so you will see lots of foreign people here.
  • Nan Luo Gu Xiang. Best pub street in Beijing, it has a mashup of styles, but it has it’s own soul. A will find lots of interesting stores and pubs here.


Actually there a too many choices in Beijing, but I can’t tell which is most unique and local. I just pick up some place I love and they are domestic styles.

This document will be updated when I found any interesting place to share







  • 蛮力不如思考,尤其是给R模式(右脑模式)一些酝酿时间,问题解决的会更好
  • 使用夹具而不是使用在紧张时很不可靠的肌肉,工具+脚手架是组装“复杂”系统的方法




Good bye, Mr. Jobs


我希望自己不要太情绪化,所以在techmeme.com上面仔细的寻找所有的线索,希望找到我错失的任何感动。那天晚上我也去北京的第一家Apple store感受了一下崇敬Jobs的朋友对他的悼念活动。这几日的新闻里面我的感想是:

这几日沉浸在对乔帮主的追思中,读过的追忆文章里面。MG Siegler对我们这些『其它人』的损失分析的最到位,施密特博士和Isaacson对他对孩子的爱的追忆最感人,对他安排自己最后一个月的报道最发人深省。 #iSad

“That’s the part that people couldn’t possibly know — the love and the care that he put into everything he did. He just loved his family, Laurene (Powell) and the kids. He loved them more than anyone could articulate. And he loved Apple,” Brilliant said.

“The defining character of Steve Jobs isn’t his genius, it isn’t his talent, it isn’t his success. It’s his love. That’s why crowds came to see him. You could feel that. It sounds ridiculous to talk about love when you are making a gadget. But Steve loved his work, he loved the products he produced, and it was palpable. He communicated that love through bits of steel and plastic.”





不要给死亡蒙上太多的悲伤。死亡是最好的决策工具,所以我们说『面死而生』,知道会死才真的知道为什么要生,这是Jobs所有观点中最重要的。他真的和死亡抗争了很久,是一个真正面死而生的人。希望有一天我们能够再会,May the Force be with you


Maredsous 10 Abdij Tripel Ale