Compae redis and memcache as cache in python

I hate posting micro benchmark of library, it’s kinda stupid when they are not the bottle-neck. Now, I will hate my self 😀

The verdit is: using memcache and redis has similar performance. In our system, we use redis a fast data-structure store, so use it as cache save a moving parts.

  • cPickle 50000 rounds, used 1.61123394966
  • msgpack 50000 rounds, used 0.296160936356
  • memcached with pylibmc save/load 15000 rounds, used 1.68719887733
  • memcached python-memcached save/load 15000 rounds, used 3.92766404152
  • redis with hiredis save/load 15000 rounds, used 2.76974511147

Acctually we are using redis + msgpack now.

By the way, our new leaderboard service is based on gevent patched flask + redis + sqlalchemy tech stack. A aws 8 core instance give us 900rps, 1.5x throughput of a ruby version (with fiber and em) write by my ex-coworker @flyerhzm.

Draft letter to Caltrain office

I break the law by accident. This is a big deal for me. I definitely wrong in this case, but I also found there is some issue on Caltrain system. So instead of being down forever, I will write a letter to Caltrain office. My friend tell me this is like burn a letter to immortal, no one will read or reply. But I trust in goodwill, so i will open this letter on my blog. If you read this by accident, please learn that break the law is painful, you should train yourself not making stupid mistake, this will make everyone happy, and make a better world. This letter is just a first cut draft, I will correct grammer mistake and improve weired sentence accordinly in those days.

Hello caltrain officers,

I’m a caltrain commuter live in Hillsdale, I start using caltrain from last December, and I like it. Caltrain has cleaner cabin than BART and muni, and the passenger on it is more polite. My company sponsor us commute by Caltrain through clipper direct, and most of my coworkers has Caltrian monthly pass auto loaded.

But I got a citation recently, which make me . The story happends that on Jun 3rd, it’s a Monday, the first working day of Jun. I and my coworker was discussing a working topic of our current project, and we take on Caltrain together from Hillsdale. Then 2 conductors came to us, and check our ticket. We show our clipper card as usual, but it says no. And we notice that’s first working day of a Month, so we should tag on the clipper card. And explained this to the conductors individually, they just gave both of us a citation of fare envation. I haven’t argue, because I’m a adult. The conductor refuse to read our monthy pass online order (which we showed), that means we don’t have nothing to show as prove of payment.

I said this almost ruin my life, it’s because I break the law, which make me desperate. I’m a alien worker, so I’m new here, I tried to behave as a moral citizen, be nice to everyone, and be well discipline. But when I got this citation, this dream collapse.

But I don’t want to be depressed forever, I should tell you my feeling, and let’s figure out what’s the best way to prevent this kind of situation happend in the future. Which will make the world a better place.

The monthly pass is not a way to save money, I think the ultimate goal is to make our daily commute smoothier. Because buying ticket is a pain at rushing hour, so clipper is a express way. Paying monthly save most of us tons of time. I cherrish the intention. But comes to reality, there is a gap. Other commute system like BART and MUNI has clipper gate, so when you come across it you need to swipe the card. But caltrain only has that at SF’s 4th and king station, there’s conductor standing there to check our ticket. But other stations is open, and some station only has few clipper tagging machine. So most monthly pass commuter doesn’t tag at most of days in a month, only tag it at very first day. So the gap is the habit we use the public transportation, for Caltrain we didn’t tag daily, but for MUNI and BART we tag daily even we have montly pass. That means we need to remind ourself to tag on first day, which is not work precisly as a clock.

So I hope caltrain can give us a notification on those critical day (very first working day each month). The clipper has our email, most caltrain station has message board (LED screen), both of them can work as a reminder for us. Which will help us not making this mistake. For a system need good self-discipline a reminder will reduce stupidity very much.

The clipper direct allow us setting up a recurring order of monthly pass, I don’t know why it can’t pre-load them as those montly pass we bought from walgreen? If it load automatically, we won’t make a mistake like that, this will free us from having a pressure on loading monthly pass. In our case, we acctually paid for monthly pass. But the ticket checking machine failed to load the monthly pass information, which make us be in a situation of no valid ticket, and that’s breaking the law. Break law in this way is miserable, we don’t want to be a fare invader, that’s immoral, that’s make us hateful, and it’s shame to tell our children that we are fare invader. I mean when we paid, but failed to show that we paid, because we need a process to activate this monthly pass, this is inconvinient and seems trapping us to be a outlaw. Probably there are technical reasons or other reasons to make clipper work in this way, but please make it more friendly and make good people keep being good.

Because we commute on caltrain for months, we saw lots of scenario between passenger and conductors. And almost all conductors is friendly and helpful. I saw conductor explains to those foreigners who bought wrong tickets, and ask the buy it correctly next time. I saw conductor asking people using clipper card who forgot tag on to tag it at next stop. I heared from my coworker who got educated when they forgot to tag it on first day of month. All those stories told me that conductors are helping us from making mistake, and educate us when we are wrong. But when this happend on me for the first time, I got a citation directly. I’m not asking mercy on me, everyone is equal by law, I just diserve this punishment. But consider a goodwill, we should using the punishment to prevent intentional fare envision, but educate the others. This will keep us in faith of justice. I still trust all conductors on the train is helping us from making this mistake. But on the day I got this citation, I saw 2 conductors chekcing ticket, and that’s the first working day of that month, there are 3 guys got citation in same cabin, this seems more to a punishment than education.

I won’t argu if I’m guilty here, I suppose to talk about it with judge in court. I only want to ask for some change on this system to ease our commute, make our life easier, hope no one will break the law in this way. Would like to consider those actions?

  • Give us the choice to pre-load the monthly pass
  • Give us a notifications by email (for clipper direct user), or show us notifications on station’s display on first (work) day of month
  • Give us a covinient way to tag the card, especially a way to tag on the train, alternatively should give us tagging machine on each entrance of station. So tagging daily is smooth for monthly pass commuter.
  • Give us a channel to show monthly pass proof if we got cited in this situation, when we paid for the pass.

Thank you for read, I won’t be despress forever, I trust that caltrain will be better, and we will be more happy to commute on this transportation system.

Jun 9, 2013.

Output ISO 8601 format datetime string in UTC timezone

I hate timezone. Especially for python, since python’s timezone is not in standard library, I always need to install pytz. I know it make sense, since timezone db changes sometimes, and it make no sense to put it in python standard library. But this make life harder. Every time when I work on timezone aware datetime, it will #FML.

The formal way is name your timezone in config file, but for the case of output iso 8601 format datetime in UTC timezone, it’s not elegant to ask for this information. The tricky part is get your local timezone. Since timezone is not in system environment variable, so it’s kind of hack to let it work with small code footprint. I know I’m stupid, but let me post my solution here. If you know better solution, please let me know.

    local_tz = pytz.build_tzinfo('localtime', open('/etc/localtime', 'rb'))
    from .poorman_tz import LocalTimezone
    local_tz = LocalTimezone()

def isoformat(dt):
    if dt:
        return local_tz.localize(dt).replace(microsecond=0).astimezone(pytz.utc).isoformat()
    return None

The LocalTimezone is from python’s datetime document, just copy that section of code and you get this poorman’s implementation of LocalTimezone. Thanks my coworker Stan pointing me out the solution to build a timezone from /etc/localtime, also for this smart guy answer that stackoverflow thread. BTW: python’s datetime has microsecond information, I don’t need them so I replace them with 0, it makes the datetime string shorter.



首先要明确 饮酒品酒 的区别。品酒应该是饮酒的一个子集,因为不喝下去完全闻味不是靠谱的品酒方式。品酒最大的区别在于为什么 (Why) 和如何做 (How) 不同,品酒的目的是分辨、欣赏、交流。

品酒是对模式识别的锻炼。模式识别是心智模式中的R模式,也就是一种基于图像的思维,模式识别是一种直觉。品酒必须要用语言记录,可以是和朋友在一起交流感受,或者写下来分享给更多的人。为什么品酒必须要交流呢?因为模式识别是R模式,但是人和人交流要使用语言逻辑,但是这种逻辑使用的是心智模式中的L模式。但是根据心智模型的理论L模式和R模式往往不能同步工作,如果一个人两个模式之间交流迅速和频繁,那么这个人表现出来就是 聪明。R模式和L模式交互有一种形象的表示法,我们管它叫做“比喻”。使用比喻能力强的人,我们一般说是文学能力强,但是其实更广义的说使用比喻能力强的人 聪明 。我们有一个更时髦的词叫“隐喻”,这是在各种专业能力中非常重要的一种基于直觉的技能,我们常说一个领域的大师具有的就是过人的直觉。或者说过人的 模式识别 和使用 隐喻 的能力。所以那本书说,幽默其实是一种使用 隐喻 的特殊能力,不管是使用幽默还是感受幽默都需要这种 隐喻 的能力。

如果大家读过酒评就知道为什么我说 模式识别隐喻 了。这里举个例子:



这里用到了很多的隐喻。经常交流的啤酒爱好者可以看到大家使用的不同隐喻,并把他们使用到自己的语言中。这个过程还培养了对味道细节发现的能力,因为经常品酒后对很多味道的轻微痕迹描述的能力会增强,所以就可以更好的发现原来不能描述的味道。这其实就印证了很多朋友学习中的一个感受,当你能够定义和命名一种现象以后,你在遇到问题的时候识别的能力增强了,最后解决问题的能力也增强了。在搞编程的朋友中,都知道 Martin Fowler,他就是以这种能力著称。

最后,我想强调我说的是 品酒 ,很多极端的品酒者品尝酒品后会吐掉,以防止对辨别能力的影响。我们需要强调这样的精神,不要陷入把饮酒作为简单的习惯的地步,那样很容易酗酒,结果是很严重的。要保持 Know How 的同时 Know Why,这样可以长期健康的品酒。

我目前品酒主要使用 Instagram,照下酒评和酒杯,可以观察酒体和泡沫。然后在评论里面写下对啤酒味道的品评笔记。我主要使用 #mahbeer 这个标签分享,这个标签下有很多非常棒的啤酒的分享。而查啤酒比较重要的工具是 Ratebeer ,上面有大部分你能喝到的啤酒的信息和众多酒友的评价。


  • 使用的是和Duvel类似的高级蛇麻草,非陈年款,味道比较鲜明,微苦
  • 有麦香味,水果味收敛,味甘甜,回味发甜
  • 香味不太明显,不酸,也不太苦,没有特别突出的单种口感
  • 泡沫丰富,细密,泡沫很白,大约有酒体的一半高
  • 酒色金黄,略微浑浊(雾)
  • 有肉蔻的香味留下,酒通过喉咙感觉酒精刺激明显,留下微微的薄荷的味道
  • 酒后口内没有酸和苦的回味,说明酒不是很甜酒花量也不是很大

能猜到这是啥啤酒不?(是Westmalle Blone,一种修道院啤酒 Trappist beer,不过属于没啥特点的一种)


知乎上面扯得比较长 ,所以也发到自己博客一份。

语义网是让机器可以理解数据。语义网技术,它包括一套描述语言和推理逻辑。它包通过一些格式对本体(Ontology)进行描述。如W3C的 RDF就是这样一种描述规范,它描述这些数据所表达的含义还有这些词之间可能产生的关系(动词?),那么计算机就可以通过查询(推理规则)来产生我们需要的数据视图了。也就是说如果你对计算机提问,因为计算机理解数据,所以可以推理出你所想要的答案,即使这个答案不是预先准备好的。大部分的语义网的表示规范都基于XML,因为它是一种完备的通用描述语言。

HTML选择文本协议是因为文本协议便于人类与计算机阅读。其实要注意一个重要的历史细节,是email激发并帮助产生了互联网技术。email相关的第一个RFC(RFC 561)在1973年就有了,而TBL大神在1989年提出超链接技术才标志着WWW的产生。


而后来为了让email里面能保存非文本的数据,并且不破坏原来的协议兼容性,所以催生了非常非常重要的MIME协议(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)。


Hypertext是在文本协议上面扩展了表示文档关系(超链接)的能力,它就让原先的文本变成了网络(关系)。这种文本表述协议HTML的第一个RFC是1995年的RFC 1866。而我们可爱的HTTP在1996年才有了HTTP 1.0(RFC 1945)。





所以,有了著名XHTML,它的目的是让HTML套上XML的外衣。XML是啥呢?XML的最初目的就是设计一种计算机和人类都可读的协议,由于人也就能读文本,所以它是一种文本描述语言。让HTML符合XML的规范就计算机(机器人)和人类都皆大欢喜了。而后有了XHTML 1.0,当时的“网站重构”活动所有经历过那个时代的朋友都亲身体会到了。多了一些强制的写法,写XHMTL解析器的朋友们就不用哭泣了。不过后来大家发现写XHTML的朋友经常会有语法错误,另外一些朋友则对HTML 4.x灵活(模糊)的语法恋恋不忘。

由于还是有很多朋友发现XHTML让计算机真的跟容易理解文本的结构,所以那些人继续狂热的做XHMTL 2.0,但是这是个不归路。而且对于消费HTML的大部分人类来说这都没有爱,所以最后这个标准被抛弃了。



当然这里又回到一开始的语义网了,因为人们的查询不光是字面匹配,人们希望使用更聪明的搜索引擎。那么搜索引擎应该知道用户的意图,这不是什么人工智能,而是一些基于统计的算法。但是这些算法都和语义网中的一些东西有相关性,因为人们需要得到数据,并且找到这些数据的本体,通过一些预先定义好的本体之间的关系进行逻辑推演(目前都是写死的算法,而没有使用语义网里面的推演系统)。也就是说这个模型从概念上和语义网相似,但是由于技术上还不太可行,所以走了其它的路。不过从理解文本的这个地方来说,所有的现代搜索引擎都有这方面的逻辑。它希望把搜集到的文本描述成一种可以推演的数据,在语义网里面描述这些数据的方式之一是RDF。RDF基于XML,而HTML中的XHTML是一种XML。通过HTML的attribute储存语义网数据叫RDFa(Resource Description Framework – in – attributes),这就把HTML/XHTML和语义网技术拉到了一起,当然光表示数据只是语义网的一部分。

和RDFa相似的东西还有microformats(老早我就力挺microformats,不过后来这东西被好多人断言说已经死了,还好后来micro-data火起来了),它把语义数据放在node text或者属性里面,并且通过css class来表达数据结构。但是他们只表示了结构,我们还没法映射到本体。那么Microdata就是这样的尝试,它定义了一些词汇表,表达某一些常见的格式,通过这些词汇表就对应到了数据的本体。

到这里这个圈子就转好了。语义化需要让数据和表述的本体的映射成为可能,那么结构首先要可以表达出来,并且通过一些结构的约定俗成(或者直接声明)让计算机可以找到这些结构的本体,然后计算机就可以通过本体的关系来进行逻辑演绎。目前我们能真的达到约定俗称的东西还很少,大家看看micro data。但是先不要说终极理想,也就是让我们的大网成为语义网。我们目前可用的技术里面应该充分的考虑到可怜的机器人非常弱的理解能力,尽量说一些约定俗称的东西,这样机器人就可以帮我们进行一些我们人类不太擅长但是它很擅长的推理计算了。那么最好我们能够让我们的文档在描述相关的本体的时候使用计算机更容易理解的结构,这就是语义化。也就是说用某一种模式来表达计算机可以理解的词汇,这就是HTML的语义化。

当然现在又一个巨大的问题,那就是HTML的文档模型和我们平常要表达的映射直接没有隐喻的关系,而且这个差距是巨大的。我们开发Web Application无处不受这种限制的影响,所以性急的人们才把HTML5变成一个永远演化的协议,来保证我们更及时的把我们想要的一些新的结构、语义加入到HTML这个文本描述协议里面。



Optimize’s sparrowdb data file size

Intrepid Blog has a blog post about how to optimize Mac’s popular mail app’s sparrowdb data file size.

Good to know that sparrow is using tokyo-cabinet. And it sounds like a great way to optimize tha data file safely.

Please quite before you run this.

But when I run: tchmgr optimize ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sparrow/

I got this error:

tchmgr: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sparrow/ 6: invalid record header

After a googling, I found the parameter -nl should fix it.

So I tried run this command again:

tchmgr optimize -nl ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sparrow/

now it fix the db and renamed the original file with a temporary name:

data.tch                    data.tch.tmp.1209295.broken

Please open Sparrow to check if the db is OK. If you can see your message then you can delete the .broken file. Otherwise, please copy the borken file back.

In my case it do reduced the db size:

-rw-r--r--  1 tin  staff   1.7G Aug 21 13:12 data.tch
-rw-r--r--  1 tin  staff   2.6G Aug 21 13:14 data.tch.tmp.1209295.broken

Unfortunetely I saw some message can’t be rendered anymore, so I copy that db back again.

If the db is borken and can’t be recovered, Sparrow has a official way to reset a local cache and synching that again. Just delete the Info.plist file in your sparrwodb folder.

Why I move to SublimeText 2?

Writing a blog post is hard, because you need to prevent the gravity of laziness. This time I want to talk about why I move to SublimeText 2?

OK, the simple reason is everyone move to SublimeText 2. You will see almost every developer at Backbone.js conference using SublimeText 2 to do live coding demo. That’s cool, just because those speaker is cool. OK, cooler thing is half of developers at that conference is using SublimeText 2 (BTW: there is a developer using Windows). I was using TextMate 2 alpha when I was at that conference.

Why I’m not moving? Since I’m not a hipster, I ask reason for a move. The de-facto editor of choice is TextMate if you develop on a Mac. Used to be. But the developer abandon users, and it’s a typical vapoware. That’s sad. So smart people go to try alternatives, and smart people change their muscle memory quickly. But I’m a slow guy, I was hijacked by the bundles and themes and all muscle memory. But I do ask my colleague and developer friends which alternative editor they are using. But unforturnately there are no reason move my mind (gravity of laziness).

So, why I need a reason? Since the most dangrous thing is lost your introspect abbility. We call something science. But the sarcasm aspect is there is theory said there is no truth but only explanation. An explanation is a saying (theory) describing what’s beneath the truth, and we will using our sensation to test (or set a lab to prove it, test it) it. If that explanation match the fact we sensated, then we call it science. So this is a process of proving a explanation is close to fact or truth. This process is all about asking why on something even you know how or what (a defination, or explanation). Forget asking why means lost mind. Zen has some practice on observing the detail of feeling and thinking, for me that is keep asking why, know why on details. So sounds like this approach is close to science.

Until my colleague point this on that conference. He said “SublimeText is blazing fast, see how smooth it is to open and preview source codes…”. Then I realize I got a reason in that moment. TextMate is slow now. Actually TextMate 2 got slower than TextMate I feel. Since TextMate 2 solve the Chinese character display issue, so I found it’s better than TextMate 1.5, that missing feature is the worst one I had. So feature shouldn’t be reason for moving SublimeText 2. I don’t use split panes regularly, use json as preference is not attractive …

But let’s back to a perquisite question on editor war. Why we want to use editor over IDE? Since IDE is fat, bloated, vendor locked, slow. Since IDE is not (simple, small, flexible), but every developer love (simple, small, flexible). Jeremy Ashkanas said (simple, small, flexible) are traits of Backbone.js library. So, text editor is (simple, small, flexible), that’s a reason I’ll buy. So when my colleague told me how fast is SublimeText 2, I was moved.

Screen Shot 2012 08 01 at 2 42 18 PM

The main reason of writing this post is not tell some hipster I was allied. I’m asking myself why, and ask you to ask yourself why. Recently I read a book called The Shape of Design, that’s a good book indeed. It use a metaphor of mockingbird, so that bird learn some sounds and song, but it never know why mocking like that. Only know how and what is dangrous, keep searching why is vital. That’s a why of being interest driven, or at least make sure you are driving by something you know. So you know why of each details, you know how to explain to other people. And you knwo why you are wrong, since every piece of change will notify you do a full introspection again. This helps, let you thinking independently, since you know why. Hope you always know why, I know that’s totally impossible, we never know the truth.

#BackboneConf2012 参加了Backbone.js Conference 2012

Backbone Conf 2012

Screen Shot 2012 07 24 at 6 04 40 PM

有幸去美国波士顿参加了2012年的 Backbone.js Conference,见到了coffeescriptunderscore.js 还有 backbone.js 的作者 Jeremy Ashkenas。会议内容围绕前端MVWTF和社区进行了很多有趣的讨论,有很多有价值的观点。我希望在这里面与大家分享我从里面学到的东西。

Tin 和 Jeremy Ashkanas 大神合影

这系列博客其实是我整理的会议笔记的汇总,是我对每个话题中比较有印象或者比较重要的内容的摘抄,这些观点几乎都不是我的,我仅作为一个传声者。我是希望把所有的Credit交给演讲者自己,我最多只是一个翻译者,碰巧幸运的在现场。Backbone.js Conference和O’Reilly的Fluent Conference 碰巧同时进行,#BackboneConf 更加草根,但是也更有观点。

The conference room

这一个 Post 是所有 Talk 所做的笔记的索引。


每个 Talk 我都做了比较详细笔记,下面是链接,请点开查看:


第一天的内容就结束了,当天的酒会很成功。很多前端程序员都是Beer geek或者Scotch geek。

就会上逮到了 Jeremy 本人,我记得趁着酒劲我问了几个问题:

  • 您这代码都怎么写出来的?您有没有TDD呀? Jeremy 说我一般不写测试,不过为了保证质量,他会补充一些测试。他说我就是 write codes which make sense ……好的,Make sense是对直觉型程序员常说的。彪悍是不需要解释的。
  • 您平常也看别人的开源项目获取灵感么?您如何平衡写自己的东西和看别人的东西? Jeremy说,啥?我写代码那是为了糊口,看别人的代码那不挣钱呀。所以我一般不怎么看别人的东西,我就写我自己的东西,我觉得 make sense 的东西,当然要写的 make sense ……
  • 我还问了一些问题,酒劲比较大,我忘记了



每个 Talk 我都做了比较详细笔记,下面是链接,请点开查看:



The Future of Javascript Panel

参与Panel的有:Jeremy AshkanasYehuda KatzVojta JinaEric FerraiuoloAndrew Dupont
主题是Javascript’s Future


The Panel host


  • 所有人都同意框架不是作者凭空想出来的,都是他们把实际交付的项目的代码中可以复用的部分抽出的结果。也就是说成功的框架都不是为了写一个框架而写出来的,而是为了解决某一种实际问题的解决方案。所以停止根据某个灵感而发明一种框架这种想法了。
  • Yehuda Katz 很擅长吵架,死磕 Jeremy ……(@wycats says he agrees with @jashkenas in principle, but he thinks it’s been taken to a place that neither of them like)
  • Jeremy 强调了 Node.js 社区烦的一个错误。Javascript 是为浏览器而生,并且繁荣的。所以 Node.js 的 Javascript 应该尽量兼容在浏览器里面可以运行,尤其是一些通用的工具库最好不要忘记浏览器。
  • Jeremy 承认 CoffeeScript 是有人喜欢有人恨,但是它最杰出的地方就是真正影响了 Javascript 下一版本的语法。开发者有权决定自己用什么,只要他觉得自己的工具 make sense 就可以了。
  • Jeremy 认为 HTML 并非为application设计,所以HTML的元模型并不完全匹配application,这是个未解决的问题
  • 我们应该如何选择框架呢?研究所有的框架找到你要的,还是学好一个框架并使用下去。因为框架是作者的美学取舍的结果,这是不好评价的。Yehuda说应该看api的数量和它能做的事情的比率,api数量大做不了事情的东西是不好的。Jeremy说傻X才写那样的框架呢。
  • 如何区分框架和库呢?”a framework calls you, you call a library” 这是 JeremyVojta 的答案。

大家可以看 @knowtheory 的 twitter ,在5月31和6月1两天有很多tweets报道 #backboneconf

BTW: Beer


#BackboneConf2012 The Plight of Pinocchio: JavaScript’s quest to become a real language by Brandon Keepers

Backbone Conf 2012

有幸去美国波士顿参加了2012年的 Backbone.js Conference,见到了coffeescriptunderscore.js 还有 backbone.js 的作者 Jeremy Ashkenas。会议内容围绕前端MVWTF和社区进行了很多有趣的讨论,有很多有价值的观点。我希望在这里面与大家分享我从里面学到的东西。

这系列博客其实是我整理的会议笔记的汇总,是我对每个话题中比较有印象或者比较重要的内容的摘抄,这些观点几乎都不是我的,我仅作为一个传声者。我是希望把所有的Credit交给演讲者自己,我最多只是一个翻译者,碰巧幸运的在现场。Backbone.js Conference和O’Reilly的Fluent Conference 碰巧同时进行,#BackboneConf 更加草根,但是也更有观点。

The Plight of Pinocchio: JavaScript’s quest to become a real language by Brandon Keepers

Brandon Keepers



这为是 Github 的前端工程师。


If we are going to use JavaScript to do real work, then we have to do the things that we do with real languages.

这就包括这些Buzz word:抽象、TDD、关注点分离、DRY、重构、解耦、设计模式、封装……


然后作者开始演示哪些设计模式有意义(着重介绍 MVC ),重构,DDD,并且 TDD 这个过程。

Test driven development is a design process. (我深表同意,不过最近连 Dan North 也就是 BDD 作者都来拆台)

整个 Slides 还是很好的,充满了各种重构的例子,使用 jasmine 写的测试。

不过真正有趣的部分出现在 Q&A 阶段:

某人站起来问 @bkeepers 请问 Github 是如何测试(人家没问如何TDD)的呢?

然后 @bkeepers 说一线的代码不是我写的,然后叫了现场的一个 Github 同事回答这个问题。然后他的同事非常尴尬的站起来很不好意思的说:”大哥,咱 Github 不写测试的“……全场哄笑。

然后 @bkeepers 笑着说:“看我回去教这帮坏小子如何写测试去……”

#BackboneConf2012 Y.App: Coordinating URL Navigation, Routing, and Managing Views by Eric Ferraiuolo

Backbone Conf 2012

有幸去美国波士顿参加了2012年的 Backbone.js Conference,见到了coffeescriptunderscore.js 还有 backbone.js 的作者 Jeremy Ashkenas。会议内容围绕前端MVWTF和社区进行了很多有趣的讨论,有很多有价值的观点。我希望在这里面与大家分享我从里面学到的东西。

这系列博客其实是我整理的会议笔记的汇总,是我对每个话题中比较有印象或者比较重要的内容的摘抄,这些观点几乎都不是我的,我仅作为一个传声者。我是希望把所有的Credit交给演讲者自己,我最多只是一个翻译者,碰巧幸运的在现场。Backbone.js Conference和O’Reilly的Fluent Conference 碰巧同时进行,#BackboneConf 更加草根,但是也更有观点。

Y.App: Coordinating URL Navigation, Routing, and Managing Views by Eric Ferraiuolo

Eric Ferraiuolo



这个哥们是YUI团队的,推荐大家 Follow (@ericf),非常有见解。



这是个争论的地方,也就是著名的 hash bang (ref Backbone.js: From Hashbangs to HTML5 PushState)。很多人都表示 #! 是很讨厌的东西,它让妨碍了对于数据(视图)的直接访问。因为 hash 的语义不是 path。

但是很多人会提出一个真正的问题,如果只做了一个 single-paged app,但是如果你部署在一个 Dumb server(只能服务静态文件的服务器)怎么办?这种情况下你只能使用 hash url 了。

Hash Bang 问题的另外一个核心是初始状态的问题,也就是第一次 http 传输给用户的内容。传统的 hash bang 只返回静态页面,ajax call 再去取 hash 对应的 data 进行渲染。也就是说初始化的数据是不完备的,需要更多的 http 请求才给用户传输了真正有意义的内容。

所以,最好预先把数据在服务器端渲染好,直接传输给用户。减少 http 请求对于 mobile 用户就更加重要了,因为 Radio (手机无线数据连接) 的省电算法,还有无线数据传输通道建立的延迟达到数秒,http 传输的额外开销(延迟)非常恐怖。这就显得更加重要。这也就是为什么最近 Twitter 写了一个博客说他们已经改为预先在服务器端渲染好 Twitter 而不使用客户端模板引擎去渲染了。Twitter 放弃 hash bang 以后第一次数据载入的快了5倍

而且,用渐进增强的思路,使用传统的页面预先渲染(URL 转换页面)的模型很容易使用 pjax+pushState 增强。比如 github 就是用这种方式实现的,它结合了 ajax 的保持当前页面状态(减少 parse 和初始化事件,不需要重新载入整个页面)、局部更新等很多好处,给用户的感觉就是快。而且 URL 上面它保留了每个页面 path 的可访问性。

pjax就是截获了 <a> 元素的点击事件,这是完全渐进增强的。

还有一个好处就是你可以控制页面 cache,页面局部缓存,返回可以变得很快(没有 http 请求)。



如何统一两种风格呢?(这样无论是否是 dumb server 都可以让你的 app 正常运行,在可以不用hash的场合使用更好的 path 取代 hash)

你需要一个更强的客户端 Route Handler,作者的 Y.App(包括 Y.PjaxBase、Y.Router、Y.View)是个例子……余下就是 的一段 demo,也算广告。

这个话题非常好,因为它解决了 Hash bang 的争论,我们是应该让 Web 的最基本的 hypelink 不被破坏,应该正确的使用 URL 的语义。但是我们也应该用渐进增强的思想利用我们强大的前端的状态管理功能,让 Router 来处理初始状态的导航和组装。