It’s bright orange yellow color, foam is fine and thin. Fully hazy, opaque. It smells like mandarin juice, the fruity smell you may get from kids’ favorite Orange-D. The smells definitely is a simple orange, orange hard candy like. The first sip, it’s balanced bittersweet, but that flavor is very bold. You can tell both the sweetness and bitterness are strong. There’s a bit of minerals giving it a hint of salt. It’s full bodied, thick but not very oily. It shows a strong fruit hard candy aroma, citrus aromas orange, mandarin, limoncello, passion fruit, ripe guava, orange liquor aromas. The tropical fruitiness is quite radical, it can cut through some greasy food I guess (I’m not eating that this meal), the fruitiness is so bright and citrusy. The aftertaste feels a bit like artificial citrus flavor, combined with floral fragrance like lilac or jasmine, citrus peel, pine resin and weedy fragrances. It’s a very nice beer. I appreciate its balance flavor. And when you take sips, you can still get the spirit of “Socks and Sandals”, that fruity, easy and happy, (redwood coast) foggy forest, tropical and weedy. The balance and smooth is a key for extreme style like this TIPA, it’s not a simple “doubling down”, but an intentional amplifying of a style.
以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!
呈亮橙黄色,泡沫细腻。完全朦胧,不透明。闻起来有柑橘汁的味道,就像孩子们最喜欢的 Orange-D 中的果味。闻起来绝对是简单的橙子味,像橙子硬糖。第一口,它是平衡的苦甜味,但这种味道非常大胆。甜味和苦味都很强烈。还有一点矿物质的味道,给人一丝咸味。酒体饱满,浓稠但不油腻。酒体散发出浓郁的水果硬糖香气、柑橘香气、橙子香气、柑橘香气、柠檬香气、百香果香气、成熟番石榴香气、橙子酒香气。热带水果的香气相当浓郁,我想它可以切开一些油腻的食物(这顿饭我没吃),果香非常明亮,柑橘味十足。 回味起来有点像人工柑橘味,再加上丁香或茉莉等花香、柑橘皮、松脂和杂草香。这是一款非常不错的啤酒。我很欣赏它的平衡味道。当你抿一口时,你仍然能感受到 “袜子和凉鞋 ”的精神,那是一种果香、轻松和快乐,(红木海岸)雾林、热带和杂草的味道。平衡和顺滑是 TIPA 这种极端风格的关键,它不是简单的 “加倍”,而是有意放大一种风格。