So Happens It’s Tuesday from The Bruery

Imperial Stout aged in Bourbon Barrels, 14.6% ABV, 2017 Edition.

A dark and delicious display of rich malt toasty oak flavors and vanilla-like notes from extended aging in bourbon barrels. 

Brewer’s note on beer label: Our infamous Black Tuesday stout is named in honor of the great stock market crash of 1929. So Happens It’s Tuesday is simply dark and delicious, but in a more affable format, reminding us that there is always a bit of good to be found within the bad. Things happen, life goes on. This beer can be enjoyed in all of those moments and seasons.

front view

The beer is very dark, looks black. Foam is beige color, thin but fine. It smells dark malty, molasses, dark brown sugar, vanilla and bourbon barrels noses. It’s a good imperial stout nose, dark desert like, toasty woods and vanilla noses like a real bourbon whiskey. The beer is sweet, dark and bold sweet, there’s a bit of bitterness at the back but won’t big enough to fully balance the sweetness. The beer is thick, but not very thick, it shows a milky, oat-y texture and viscosity. The alcohol burns are obvious in this beer, shows a strong boozy flavor in the darkness. The beer is full bodied. Again, the texture is velvety and creamy, it’s bold sweet with light bitter background. It’s quite a boozy dark ale, shows a very strong malty flavor which is stronger than a normal imperial stout. I always found The Bruery’s strong ales have this tendency to be more malty flavor. There’s toasty barrels, whiskey, subtle toast coconut, dark chocolate, plum juice, dried plum, orange liquor, vanilla aromas. Although I think I can say it’s still showing some shape of Tiramisu which is chocolate, vanilla and boozy, then this is the booze version of that and stronger enough you don’t remember that’s like Tiramisu anymore. It’s a very warm stout, I mean the alcohol warms your mouth and throat up. The aftertaste shows some pine wood, toasted tobacco leaves aromas, showing hints of American/English hops.

back view (label!)

In recent years I have less The Bruery than before. I don’t mean I don’t like them anymore, I love The Bruery. But you need to know their trait of BA strong ales, they are complex and delicious. But when you age them, they stay young, I mean they don’t change that much over time. This 2017 bottle is 7 years old, but I feel it’s as strong and sharp as I bought it. That is a great trait because of consistency. But it also making aging that that fun, because I don’t find that much of variations over time. Maybe those beer are not bottle conditioned? But from the level of carbonation I feel they are bottle conditioned.

以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!


近年来,我喝布鲁里啤酒的次数比以前少了。我并不是说我不喜欢他们了,我爱 The Bruery。但你需要了解他们的 BA 烈性啤酒的特点,它们复杂而美味。但是,当你把它们陈酿时,它们会保持年轻,我的意思是,它们不会随着时间的推移而发生太大的变化。2017 年的这瓶酒已经有 7 年的历史了,但我觉得它和我买来时一样浓烈、尖锐。这是一个很好的特性,因为它具有一致性。但这也让陈酿变得很有趣,因为我并没有发现随着时间的推移会有那么大的变化。也许这些啤酒没有经过瓶中调制?但从碳酸化程度来看,我觉得它们是经过瓶调的。


Fonio Belgian-Style Blonde Ale from Russian River Brewing

Bottled on 081324 11:16, Drink Aug 30, 24.

Belgian-Style Blonde Ale at 5.65% ABV.

Brewer’s note on beer label: This Belgian-inspired Blonde Ale is brewed with Fonio, an ancient West African super grain which requires no fertilizers or insecticides, needs very little water, and grows in some of the most inhospitable conditions. ‘Brewing for Impact’ is a global collaboration with our friends at Brooklyn Brewery to explore the unique characteristics of Folio in beer, promote the environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture and support smallholder farmers in Africa. Thank you to our friend, Garret Oliver, for inviting us to participate. Cheers, Vinnie & Natalie Cilurzo.

front view

The beer is very pale golden color, mostly transparent. foam is coarse and rich, lacing on glass. The beer smells like champagne, coriander seeds, wet dough, chamomile floral, yeasty, spice and flora noses. The beer tastes light bitter, very dry, not sweet. It’s light body, crispy. The fragrance and aromas are strong. There’s jasmine, citrus flower, apple flower fragrance, banana, fuji apple and Chardonnay grape fruity aromas, coriander seeds, clove and dried citrus peel spices. This Belgian blonde ale is drier than Damination (Belgian golden), more floral, same spices as Jasmine (Saison), and the fruitiness is also strong. I really like this new offering, the Folio is full of flavors as Belgian-style blonde. The green apple and Fuji apple aroma is getting stronger when it warms up, make it even brighter/fruitier. The spice and apple fruity definitely recalls apple cider, but it’s very dry which is not like the farmer’s market apple cider. The aroma also strongly recalls white wine, especially unoaked Chardonnay, the body is low and crisp. Really want to revisit this beer again soon.

Brewer’s note
side view

以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!

啤酒呈淡淡的金黄色,大部分透明。泡沫粗而丰富,在玻璃杯上呈带状。啤酒闻起来有香槟、芫荽籽、湿面团、洋甘菊花香、酵母、香料和植物的味道。啤酒尝起来有淡淡的苦味,非常干,不甜。酒体轻盈,口感清脆。香气浓郁。有茉莉花、柑橘花、苹果花香、香蕉、富士苹果和霞多丽葡萄果香、芫荽籽、丁香和干柑橘皮香料。这款比利时金色啤酒比 Damination(比利时金色啤酒)更干,花香更浓,香料与 Jasmine(赛松)相同,果味也很强烈。我非常喜欢这款新产品,作为比利时风格的金啤酒,Folio 充满了各种风味。青苹果和富士苹果的香气在升温后变得更加浓郁,使其更加明亮/果香更加浓郁。香料和苹果果香绝对让人想起苹果酒,但它非常干,不像农贸市场的苹果酒。香气还让人联想到白葡萄酒,尤其是未经橡木桶酿造的霞多丽,酒体低而清脆。真的很想尽快再次品尝这款啤酒。

Triple Socks and Sandels

Triple Socks and Sandals from Humble Sea, Drink at Smoke Eaters

It’s bright orange yellow color, foam is fine and thin. Fully hazy, opaque. It smells like mandarin juice, the fruity smell you may get from kids’ favorite Orange-D. The smells definitely is a simple orange, orange hard candy like. The first sip, it’s balanced bittersweet, but that flavor is very bold. You can tell both the sweetness and bitterness are strong. There’s a bit of minerals giving it a hint of salt. It’s full bodied, thick but not very oily. It shows a strong fruit hard candy aroma, citrus aromas orange, mandarin, limoncello, passion fruit, ripe guava, orange liquor aromas. The tropical fruitiness is quite radical, it can cut through some greasy food I guess (I’m not eating that this meal), the fruitiness is so bright and citrusy.  The aftertaste feels a bit like artificial citrus flavor, combined with floral fragrance like lilac or jasmine, citrus peel, pine resin and weedy fragrances. It’s a very nice beer. I appreciate its balance flavor. And when you take sips, you can still get the spirit of “Socks and Sandals”, that fruity, easy and happy, (redwood coast) foggy forest, tropical and weedy. The balance and smooth is a key for extreme style like this TIPA, it’s not a simple “doubling down”, but an intentional amplifying of a style.

以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!

呈亮橙黄色,泡沫细腻。完全朦胧,不透明。闻起来有柑橘汁的味道,就像孩子们最喜欢的 Orange-D 中的果味。闻起来绝对是简单的橙子味,像橙子硬糖。第一口,它是平衡的苦甜味,但这种味道非常大胆。甜味和苦味都很强烈。还有一点矿物质的味道,给人一丝咸味。酒体饱满,浓稠但不油腻。酒体散发出浓郁的水果硬糖香气、柑橘香气、橙子香气、柑橘香气、柠檬香气、百香果香气、成熟番石榴香气、橙子酒香气。热带水果的香气相当浓郁,我想它可以切开一些油腻的食物(这顿饭我没吃),果香非常明亮,柑橘味十足。 回味起来有点像人工柑橘味,再加上丁香或茉莉等花香、柑橘皮、松脂和杂草香。这是一款非常不错的啤酒。我很欣赏它的平衡味道。当你抿一口时,你仍然能感受到 “袜子和凉鞋 ”的精神,那是一种果香、轻松和快乐,(红木海岸)雾林、热带和杂草的味道。平衡和顺滑是 TIPA 这种极端风格的关键,它不是简单的 “加倍”,而是有意放大一种风格。

Quadruple Socks and Sandals

Quadruple Socks & Sandals from Humble Sea, Drink at Smoke Eaters

It’s yellow orange, more yellow than the triple version. It’s fully opaque, like an orange juice with pulp. Foam is very thin. The smell is citrusy, more citrus peel, grapefruit peel, lemon peel, a hint of weeds smell. The beer tastes still balanced, lean on the sweet side more (than triple). It’s oily, thick, like a sticky pulpy orange juice’s texture. It’s full bodied, tastes less boozy than the triple version. I love the opportunity to compare the triple and quad versions side by side. The beer shows a mellow orange juice aroma, more like when orange juice warms up and becomes sticky. The beer shows thick orange juice, ripe mango, dried pineapple, orange liqueur aromas, I think because it’s more condensed so the flavor actually is simpler than the triple version, because it bond my sensory hard I’d overwhelmed. The aftertaste releases the missing layers from the beer, strong tree resin, tree leaves, weeds herbal, leafy green teas, various of citrus peels aromas layered, and released in the aftertastes. It’s a very good specialty beer, designed for hardcore drinkers. I think it’s super valuable Humble Sea team release this lineups of Socks & Sandals from 1x-4x, what else you can ask? 5x? That kills the yeast I guess. I really love the more tropical fruity aromas in this quad, and it’s dramatically less heavy than some other rare quad IPA I had. It’s a jammy beer, crystallized what you can have from juices, and then you get jam. You won’t rate jam by how sweet they are, right? You rate them by the flavor and aromas. Humble sea is a good player here, it fused east coast’s fruity and jam my, but preserve the weedy, resin-y redwood coast’s psychedelic aromas in west coast IPAs. The triple and quad definitely closer relationship with a hazy IPA in their bloodline, but their west coast gene traits are also clear. It’s fun, casual, and seriously good.

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它是黄橙色的,比三重版本更黄。它完全不透明,就像带果肉的橙汁。泡沫很稀薄。闻起来有柑橘味,更多的是柑橘皮、柚子皮、柠檬皮,还有一丝杂草味。啤酒口感依然平衡,偏甜(比三倍)。口感油腻、粘稠,就像粘稠的果肉橙汁。酒体饱满,喝起来没有三倍啤酒那么闷。我很高兴能有机会将三倍酒和四倍酒进行比较。这款啤酒散发出醇厚的橙汁香气,更像是橙汁加热后变得粘稠时的味道。这款啤酒呈现出浓郁的橙汁、成熟芒果、菠萝干、橙子利口酒的香气,我想这是因为它更加浓缩,所以味道实际上比三倍版的更简单,因为它结合了我的感官硬质,我会不知所措。回味释放出啤酒中缺失的层次,浓郁的树脂、树叶、杂草草本、绿叶茶、各种柑橘皮的香气层层叠叠,在回味中释放出来。这是一款非常出色的特种啤酒,专为嗜酒如命的人设计。我认为谦卑之海团队推出的袜子和凉鞋系列非常有价值,从 1x 到 4x,你还能要求什么呢?5x? 我猜那会杀死酵母。我真的很喜欢这款四倍啤酒中的热带水果香气,而且它的口味明显没有我喝过的其他一些罕见的四倍 IPA 啤酒那么重。这是一款果酱啤酒,从果汁中结晶出果酱。你不会根据果酱的甜度来评价它们,对吗?而是看味道和香气。谦卑之海是这方面的好手,它融合了东海岸的果味和果酱,又保留了西海岸IPA中杂草丛生、树脂味浓郁的红木海岸迷幻香气。三重和四重的血统与朦胧IPA的关系无疑更密切,但它们的西海岸基因特征也很明显。它有趣、随意,而且非常好喝。

Double Socks & Sandals vs Triple

Socks & Sandals (untappd 3.99) is foggy IPA from Humble Sea Brewing, 6.6% ABV. There’s double Socks & Sandals (untappd 4.11) at 8% ABV, Triple Socks & Sandals (untappd 4.28) at 10% ABV and Quadruple Socks & Sandals (untappd 4.23) at 12% ABV.

Socks & Sandals Official Glass

Humble Sea’s birthday beers: Socks & Sandals from 1x to 4x. I think comparing those two in the middle back to back is an intriguing idea. (Humble Sea is one of my favorite California brewer, they are from Santa Cruz which is not far from where I live.)

They are same color, if they are in same shape of glass I won’t be able to tell which one is which one by colors. Foam is thin in my pours. They both smells lemon drop, pineapple and whole oranges. I think the triple version smells stronger, a bit more jammy, with a hint of mango in the 3x too.

Side by side tasting comparison at Smoke Eaters

The 2x is soft, high viscosity, creamy and oat-ly. It’s balanced, a little bit sweet, but the bittersweet balance is back in the center each sip. Medium body. In comparison, the 3x is a bit more sticky, sweeter but still balanced, full bodied. A bit bold canned pineapple aroma burst from the triple version. When you drink these two back to back the 3x definitely eclipse the flavor and aromas in the 2x. Although the 3x has more power output, but you get those boozy feeling right away. If you don’t like your bartender over-booze your cocktails the 3x is overpowered. The 2x has the lovely redwood coast breeze, the fogs are bitter, not just take like orange juice (I’m the taste of sweetness). The 2x shows you leafy greens, evergreen resins, mandarin peel oil (less pungent but still quite citrusy). It’s a citrus centered experience, but those sea breeze and forestry experience add The Humble Sea’s signature touch. 3X brings more tropical experience, notably more ripe mangoes, pineapple, mangosteen juice, ripe melons aromas, and it’s a boozy experience. Those ripe tropical fruit aroma do not make your experience of yellow fruit goes too dark though, the citrus power can still brighten the fruity experience pretty well. The combination is a ripe tropical POG experience, maybe not the same combo of POG, but a mango, mangosteen variation. I think the earthy herbal of hops also added up giving the 3x an earthy roots sweetness, I will say a bit of earthy licorice, yam or even ginseng roots herbal? Lighter beers are easier to pair with food, the 2x is already making you feel overwhelmed and not want to eat much. I feel the 3x is at a territory that drinking is your majority of enjoyment tonight. If you are drinking with friends, go with the 1x. And if you are watching a game, go light lager instead. If you are a pro, like DIPA. This 2x is good. If you like bold, fruity, balanced stuff you will love the 3x. 4X is not tested today, but I remember the 3x is a slightly more flavorful than the 4x. If you love the more delicate experience, looking for unicorns, the. You should line up for Pliny the Younger!

I really appreciate Humble Sea’s magic of keeping the vibe consistent across this series of Socks & Sandals. The west coast version of the east coast style has a unique twist. It’s always balanced or slightly bitter, so you won’t fooled by the sugar taste. But the weedy, earthy herbal stuff just reminds you Santa Cruz is on redwood coast, it’s always foggy, and you will surf and enjoy the cold sea. Wear your socks and sandals, be a happy weirdo.

以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!

谦海的生日啤酒: 袜子和凉鞋从 1x 到 4x。我认为将这两款啤酒放在中间背靠背进行比较是一个有趣的想法。(谦卑之海是我最喜欢的加州酿酒师之一,他们来自圣克鲁斯,离我住的地方不远)。

它们的颜色相同,如果装在相同形状的玻璃杯中,我就无法从颜色上分辨出哪个是哪个了。我倒出的泡沫很稀薄。它们都有柠檬滴、菠萝和整个橙子的味道。我觉得三倍版的味道更浓郁,果酱味更重一些,3 倍版中还有一丝芒果的味道。

2x 的口感柔和,粘度高,有奶油和燕麦味。口感平衡,有点甜,但每喝一口,苦甜平衡的感觉又回到了中心。酒体适中。相比之下,3x 的口感更粘稠、更甜,但仍保持平衡,酒体饱满。三倍版的菠萝罐头香气迸发得有点大胆。当您背靠背喝这两款酒时,3x 绝对会让 2x 的风味和香气黯然失色。虽然 3x 的输出功率更大,但你马上就能感受到那种醉人的感觉。如果您不喜欢调酒师给您的鸡尾酒加太多酒,那么 3x 的酒味就会过重。2x 有可爱的红木海岸风,雾是苦的,而不是像橙汁一样(我是甜的味道)。2x 则有绿叶、常青树脂、柑橘皮油(辛辣味较淡,但仍有柑橘味)。这是一种以柑橘为中心的体验,但那些海风和森林的体验增添了谦卑之海的特色。3X 带来了更多热带风情,特别是更多成熟芒果、菠萝、山竹汁、成熟甜瓜的香气,让人沉醉其中。不过,这些成熟的热带水果香气并不会让你对黄色水果的体验变得过于暗淡,柑橘的力量仍然可以很好地提亮果味体验。这种组合是一种成熟的热带 POG 体验,也许不是相同的 POG 组合,而是芒果、山竹的变体。我认为啤酒花的泥土草本味也给 3x 带来了泥土根茎的甜味,我想说的是有点泥土甘草、山药甚至人参根茎的草本味?清淡的啤酒更容易与食物搭配,2 倍的啤酒已经让你感觉吃不消,不想吃太多东西了。我觉得 3 倍的酒量已经到了你今晚主要以喝酒为乐的地步。如果您和朋友一起喝酒,那就喝 1 倍的。如果你在看比赛,那就喝淡啤酒。如果您是专业人士,可以选择 DIPA。这款 2x 就不错。如果您喜欢大胆、果味浓郁、口感平衡的啤酒,您会喜欢 3 倍的。4X 今天没有测试,但我记得 3X 比 4X 稍微更有风味。如果你喜欢更细腻的体验,寻找独角兽,那么你就会喜欢4X。你应该排队去买 Pliny the Younger!

我非常欣赏 Humble Sea 的神奇之处,它让整个《袜子和凉鞋》系列的氛围保持一致。西海岸版的东海岸风格有着独特的变化。它总是保持平衡或略带苦味,所以你不会被糖味所迷惑。但杂草、泥土的草本气息只会提醒你圣克鲁斯位于红木海岸,这里总是雾蒙蒙的,你将在这里冲浪,享受冰凉的海水。穿上袜子和凉鞋,做个快乐的怪人吧。

LLM 可以用来品啤酒么?🫠




looking throw doors

个把月前逛旧金山的日本城 Kinokuniya 书店的时候看到「The Book of Ichigo Ichie 一期一会」这本书。可能因为中文是母语,所以从一堆书中一眼就看到了。进门第二排的书架,应该是畅销书吧。这套书中的另外一本「Ikigai」很久之前我就买来看了,很喜欢。我觉得一期一会这个概念以前我听说过,并没有留心看是什么意思。翻了一下一期一会是把每次茶会(见面)都当作一生一次(或者最后一次)的机充满诚意的去珍惜。这个概念来自于茶道,体现了日本禅的一些观念,每次的聚会都独一无二,要仔细体会。那本书并没有很好的阐述这个问题,而是从这里出发介绍了日本的一些文化的知识,所以我当时并没有买下那本书。


早上在数码相框上看到 2019 年与 Lord Hong 一家在我们后院一起放小的烟火,我想应该是借着庆祝 Diwali 吧。看到照片的那个瞬间,我心里想的就是一期一会。因为现在看来那已经非常接近于两个家庭友谊的终结了。我这边体重又涨了,而他们那边已经搬到大陆的另一端了。照片中,小孩子的大人玩的都很开心。眼镜蛇的烟花在水泥地面留下的黑色痕迹到现在还在。但是那份友情已经蒸发不见,留下唏嘘和我们对他们单方向的思念和祝福。一期一会,每次都认真的准备,每次都玩的开心。

再往前想。曾经用毛豆的付费 RSS 听着“盗版”的锵锵三人行 Podcast,聊一聊我们对嘉宾观点的意见。那时的生活是那么的多彩,大家还可以开着玩笑讨论时事,不用机会政治或者宗教。那样的瞬间是美好的,放在木头盒子里面珍藏着,时不时拿出来还发着彩色的光。所以,生活中的茶会即使茶杯中只有水,但是还好当作最后一次去珍惜。因为真的,它们都有了最后一次。


最近看到 Loddit 在微信朋友圈分享了翻转电台一期节目,讲了唐山打人事件是绝对的关于性别平等和性骚扰。我一直很喜欢翻转电台拽拽的务虚-形而上风格(奥,我还要强烈推荐一下同样形而上而务虚的 重轻老师做的不在场 节目),而这期着重说了为啥性骚扰是这个唐山打人事件应该关注的核心,而不是“打人”所用的暴力。我深表认同,同时我个人也觉得这个事件被叫做“唐山打人”事件本身就证明了目前媒体对这个事件的定性就是错误的。

而后梁文道在八分(抱歉,看理想 app 没法直接 link,所以只能发了喜马拉雅的 link)节目里面也讨论了唐山打人事件。梁文道的干净的软刀子切割的非常到位,他不仅提到了性骚扰是不能容忍的,还提到了女权(和被污名的“女拳”)主义被曲解和污名化的问题。我觉得梁文道能够保持八分持续更新,并没有触法红线是非常厉害的。

而后我还在听的 大内密谈 也谈了一期,不过做那期节目的缘由确实对这个事情促进了“性别对立”火上浇油的曲解转而在讨论了和上面两个意见领袖类似的观点。

我个人一直支持妇女平权行动。我不仅支持妇女平权,我也支持非顺性别群体平权运动 “Pride 运动” 还有 有色族群平权运动的 “Black Lives Matter”。当我们说妇女平权的时候大部分人都支持,而且很多人以为“妇女(在中国)早就已经有平等权利了”,或者有些人认为“(中国)妇女比男性收到了更多的社会帮助”。不过实际上,如果我们关注妇女的平等收入,平等收雇佣,平等接受教育这些问题其实都没有实现完全的公平。但是所有的社会问题都很复杂,我们去看一些值得关注的事件的时候可能会放大局部,我们可能看到所谓的“反向歧视”。所以这里我们必须用统计学的方法全面的看问题,而不能被”媒体“控制了眼球的流量关注局部。


关于唐山打人事件这几个博客说的比我要有理有据的多,分析的也深刻,所以推荐大家也扩展阅读一下。我之所以想要写这篇博客,是因为最近还有其它相关的事件发生,很多人开始在这个乱世中娱乐化两极分化的社会信息部落(Tribalism),比较有代表性的就是最近的 Depp v. Heard,我看到我很多朋友对这个问题都表示非常尴尬,不敢表达自己的意见。这个案件本身的确比较复杂,这个大家可以自行搜索,我个人觉得我们应该相信陪审团充分的得到了各种证词,他们也做出了公正的陪审团意见。但是这个事情被社会信息部落用力传播的却是所谓的 MeToo运动 的矫枉过正(reverse bias),因为在这个个案上面我们看到了在 MeToo 运动的顶峰 Heard 公布里自己的故事然后 Depp 就受到了 “社会公正” 的铁拳打击,所以损害了他的个人名誉和其它权利。这个问题要分隔开,因为这个案件我们讲究的是司法公正,控辩双方公平的展示自己的证据,随机选择的陪审团作出了公正的裁决意见。所以这个案件的司法公正给我们看到了“翻案”的可能,这本身是社会公正,值得庆祝。但是司法公正和社会公正是不同的,我们不能因为这个个案的司法判决就推断 MeToo 运动矫枉过正的社会公正。平心而论,我们去看看身边的暴力事件、性侵事件,妇女还是处于绝对的弱势地位。这种根深蒂固的不同瓶只能通过所谓的“矫枉过正”的社会文化运动(主义,不是保利运动)来逐渐的消融,所以这个个案在社会公正反面没有任何的意义(没有统计意义)。凡事用 Depp v. Heard 去污名化 MeToo 和 女权运动 的人都是有不良居心的,这个我们要划的非常清楚。(我在 FB 上面看到我一直在支持的一个本地保护亲密关系中受害的女性的 NGO 的创始人就表达了她的担忧。她说它真的很难对 Depp v. Heard 这个事情表态,因为她跟不不了解这两个人也不关注这两个人。但是任何的站队行为只会让男女平权的努力开倒车。)

请不要说我在和稀泥,但是请允许我切割这个事件。如果你关心名人的新闻(这完全没啥可羞耻的,我觉得这是光明正大的爱好),那么这个事件值得仔细咀嚼,看看 Depp 到底之前收到了哪些不公正的对待,并且正义最后又如何得到了伸张。但是对于这个事件对社会公正和女权主义,请绝对不要过度解读,它完全不能作为”女拳主义矫枉过正“的统计证明。我们需要看到的是社会正义在美国的司法体系下得到了伸张,值得赞许。但是男女平权的污名化问题我们要特别警惕,因为这很容易被污浊的社会政治现状而变得愤世嫉俗(Cynical),这会让我们忘记了我们在历史中所在的位置,很容易不进则退。

Last Kiss – No Boundaries

在我高二的时候,我记得我拿到了这张 No Boundaries – A Benefit For The Kosovar Refugees 的 CD。我忘记是一张打口还是盗版了,放在我的 Panasonic SL-CT570 里面反复的听,非常喜欢。因为 CD 的播放方式,第一首听的最多。第一首是 Pearl Jam 的 Last Kiss。我印象特别深,那个时候我很讨厌珍珠果酱这个翻译,一般就说英文的 Pearl Jam,听起来原汁原味一些。不过我记得我们当时几个小伙伴说话都很脏,所以一般都管它叫 “屁眼儿 Jam”。我的英文发音烂,所以这个“屁眼儿 Jam”又和当时经常玩的一个游戏“Earthworm Jim(蚯蚓吉姆)”在记忆中被放在了同一个盒子里。我当时要好的朋友小关同学会学者唱 Last Kiss,那个浓厚的嗓音(口音)被他学的惟妙惟肖,所以我现在一听到 Last Kiss 还会想到那个一脸不正经的小关同学。这张专辑还有大爱的 Rage Against the Machine,还有当时觉得嗓音超级古怪的 Neil Young,还有还有好多。不管怎样,这些奇怪的记忆和喜爱就都被放在一起了。因为这里有个“屁眼儿”,所以这些记忆又燥又滑稽,但是那是我的珍爱。

前几天我在 Tidal 上听某个 Playlist 突然偶遇了这首熟悉的 Last Kiss,我随手点开歌词。然后,突然我的脑子就空白了。我第一次感觉到这首歌讲的是生离死别的悲剧,和我印象中那个不正经的中年人唱出来的有点诙谐的记忆完全不一样。我受到了很大的冲击,感觉到悲剧的震撼。冲击很大程度上来自于对比,一个不好好看歌词的人把音乐只当作旋律,而现在我可以听懂英语但是我却从来没有想过去理解过去我听过的音乐的歌词所讲的故事。随后我在维基百科查了原作者 Wayne Cochran 的故事,原来作者写的也是身边的故事(并不是作者本人发生了这样的悲剧)。一开始这歌并没有红,后来的一些翻唱才让这首歌红了起来。Pearl Jam 这版 Last Kiss 是为了 No Boundaries 这张慈善专辑而录制的,后来也收录在他们的 B-Side 专辑 Soldier of Love 里面。Pearl Jam 是美国西雅图的乐队,不知道为啥我以前以为他们是澳大利亚的。

这些混合的“新知识”和旧记忆让我觉得很有趣。这不是第一次当我看到歌词时才发现我完全理解错了歌曲的 sentiment,妥妥的 Lost in translation。但是,这首 Last Kiss 还有这张 No Boundaries 在我成长的时候是我最常听的,所以记录一下表达我对青年时代的追思还有当时的无知的自省。

23 年以后,我用的还是 Panasonic SL-CT570。CD 在亚马逊上还很容易搞到(各大 Streaming 平台由于这种合集的版权限制,所以都缺一大半的歌曲,所以我很开心的去买了一张正版)。接了一个 C&C Box(一个多年前的国内高手 DIY 产品),因为我的 CT570 的音量划钮已经坏掉了,所以需要用耳房把 Line-out 的音量控制一下。耳机这次用了Focal Elegia。


  • Pearl Jam LAST KISS (favorite!!!)
  • Alanis Morissette BABA (Live)
  • Rage Against The Machine THE GHOST OF TOM JOAD (favorite!!!)
  • Neil Young WAR of MAN (LIVE)
  • Ben Folds Five LEATHER JACKET (favorite!!!)
  • Oasis TAKE ME AWAY
  • Sarah McLachlan MARY (LIVE)
  • Indigo Girls GO
  • Tori Amos MERMAN

Last Kiss

Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world
We were out on a date in my daddy’s car
We hadn’t driven very far
There in the road, straight ahead
A car was stalled, the engine was dead
I couldn’t stop, so I swerved to the right
I’ll never forget, the sound that night
The screamin’ tires, the bustin’ glass
The painful scream, that I heard last
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world
When I woke up, the rain was pourin’ down
There were people standing all around
Something warm flowin’ through my eyes
But somehow I found my baby that night
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said
“Hold me darling, just a little while”
I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss
I found the love, that I knew I had missed
And now she’s gone, even though I hold her tight
I lost my love, my life that night
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She’s gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Wayne Cochran

Last Kiss lyrics © Universal Music – Mgb Songs, Universal Music Corp., Sony/atv Songs Llc, Beyondidolization, S.l.a.c.k.a.d. Music, Fort Knox Music Inc., Trio Music Company, More Water From Nazareth, Trio Music Company Inc., Emi Pop Music Publishing, Trio Music Co., Inc., Lark Music Inc, Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited

谢谢,我又可以听这张我最爱的专辑。我又可以听 Last Kiss 心动(心痛)了。好久不写中文博客,错字或者句子不通顺请谅解。

Noise Neighbor

LOL, it’s weird that anger is a good drive for a quick blog post.

My next door neighbor rent their house to a family. That family is mostly normal except they party sometimes. I mean party in an animal manner. Sorry to use that strong word, but every time you will see the whole street side parking are full, and the loud music will last long past midnight.

I used to call the 311 and report the noise neighbor. But the noise party just kept coming back. It last to 2AM normally, and in some cases it last to 3AM. That totally ruin my sleep. Previous report doesn’t work in most cases. My other neighbors also complained about it, and they exchange idea of sending letters to this family couple of times.

But over the time I start to give up. Sadly.

Last night the family party again, it’s so loud (some Iranian deep house dance music, I don’t know if that’s a genre), and both me and my wife can’t fall to sleep. So I called the San Jose police department (using their direct number) at 12:20 AM, they told me they will dispatch officer. The noise continues. We took our noise cancellation headphone to resist the deep beats. And then the police department calls back at 1:17 AM asking me if the noise are gone. I told them the noise is still there, and they told me they will send some officer here.

Around 1:45 AM, the noise is gone. I don’t know if the officer is dispatched here. But I guess the first call didn’t get any dispatch here. So next time I will make sure I report early and keep awake to reply the police department’s call. I guess they will defer the noise complaint for a while and only send officer after a delay. So I called too late.

I can’t give up.